Functions of the Corporation

To achieve the overall function, the Act stipulates the following areas that the Corporation shall engage in:
a) The construction of houses or other buildings for lease or sale on such terms as the Corporation may determine;
b) Maintaining the existing buildings which were prior under the Department before the establishment of the Corporation;
c) To lease and collect rent from the lessee and collect other monies raised from other activities of the Act;
d) The provision or facilitating the provision of building materials and other related materials, whether through the establishment of factories or subsidiary companies or in any other way;
e) The business of building contractors, building supervision and consultant;
f) The business of real estate managers in respect of properties owned by the Corporation by any other person on agreed terms;
g) Any other activities related or incidental to the construction of houses or other building, management of estate, and management of the affairs related to building and houses built or acquired by the Corporation or otherwise transferred to it by or under this Act;
h) Master developer task by acquiring tracks of land, plan such land, develop infrastructure, design project and sale part of the project to other developers as Corporation deemed appropriate an according to this Act;
i) Undertaking housing upgrading and development of formal an informal settlement;
j) Establishment of land reserve for smooth, future construction works, land for such purpose shall be acquired, planned and service for housing development in all regions of Zanzibar as the case may be;
k) In cooperation with Zanzibar Investment Promotion Authority, to identify suitable investors either individuals or body corporate in the construction of houses under partnership or joint venture agreement;
l) Disposing of dilapidated and condemned properties in a manner that is beneficial to the Corporation; and
m) Performing such other activities as may be directed by the Board.

News and Events

Menejimenti ya Shirika la Nyumba na Kamati ya Baraza la Wawakilishi

Menejimenti ya Shirika la Nyumba na Kamati ya Baraza la Wawakilishi

Menejimenti ya Shirika la Nyumba wakiwa kwenye Kikao cha Kamati ya Baraza la Wawakilishi ya kuchunguza na kudhibiti hesabu za...

Ziara ya Kamati ya Mawasiliano, Ardhi na Nishati ya Baraza la Wawakilishi Zanzibar katika Nyumba za Maendeleo Michenzani.

Ziara ya Kamati ya Mawasiliano, Ardhi na Nishati ya Baraza la Wawakilishi Zanzibar katika Nyumba za Maendeleo Michenzani.

Katika kutekeleza majukumu yake, Kamati ya Mawasiliano, Ardhi na Nishati ya Baraza la Wawakilishi Zanzibar imeambatana na Waziri wa Ardhi...

Ziara ya Makamu wa Pili wa Rais Zanzibar kukagua mradi wa matengenezo ya Nyumba namba 1699/1705 - Mnadani

Ziara ya Makamu wa Pili wa Rais Zanzibar kukagua mradi wa matengenezo ya Nyumba namba 1699/1705 - Mnadani

Makamu wa pili wa Rais wa Zanzibar, Mhe. Hemed Suleiman Abdulla, amefanya ziara ya kukagua mradi wa matengenezo ya Nyumba...

Mkutano wa Wadau kujadili fursa za Ujenzi wa Nyumba za bei nafuu Zanzibar

Mkutano wa Wadau kujadili fursa za Ujenzi wa Nyumba za bei nafuu Zanzibar

Wizara ya Ardhi na Maendeleo ya Makaazi Zanzibar na Shelter Afrique kwa kushirikiana na Shirika la Nyumba Zanzibar imefanya mkutano...

Mafunzo ya Zima Moto kwa wapangaji

Mafunzo ya Zima Moto kwa wapangaji

Shirika la Nyumba Zanzibar limeandaa Mafunzo ya Zima moto pamoja na kukabidhi Mitungi kumi ya kuzimia moto yaliyotolewa na Mbunge...

Shirika la Nyumba Zanzibar imeikodisha kampuni ya Mardev Limited yenye makaazi yake Morocco Nyumba zake nne.

Shirika la Nyumba Zanzibar imeikodisha kampuni ya Mardev Limited yenye makaazi yake Morocco Nyumba zake nne.

Shirika la Nyumba Zanzibar imeikodisha kampuni ya Mardev Limited yenye makaazi yake Morocco Nyumba zake nne, nyumba hizo zenye namba...

Mode of Payment

All paymets received done by Control number

Paymet received though

PBZ Bank / PBZ Agent

TigoPesa / EzyPesa

Visit any ZHC Office for your Control number

Pemba Office

Mtaa wa Masingini

Barabara Kuu

P. O. BOX 349

Chake Chake Pemba


Zanzibar Head Office

Zanzibar Housing Corporation

Sonara Building, Darajani

Creek Road

P. O. BOX 795

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

71124 Zanzibar..